Back to the School Routine

It's already the end of the second week of school. I hope the rest of the semester goes by as fast as this. I am very happy so far with my class load (12 credits). It's really kind of cool to get all my classes done in one stretch of time. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have class from 8 to noon.

Film is going to be the easiest class this semester, which is now surprise. The format of the class is to watch a movie starting at the beginning of the once-a-week class and then discuss it afterwards. There will be a little bit of work in the class. We have a couple four page papers and a final.

The other classes (Strategic Management, Databases, and Data Mining) seem like they may provide a challenge but are actually interesting. The only complaint I have is that my Data Mining professor is not very organized and I have no clue exactly what we will be doing for the class. So far it has been a lot of discussion about how we want the class time to operate and looking over some research articles that cover content that is way over our heads (we have to learn the stuff before we do anything with it).

Aside from class, the class-time work schedule is going on. I find myself working mostly entire afternoons. There have been a few small fires with the web server lately and we are going to be migrating to a new web server soon which I just finished installing.

I have also been working a lot on Drupal. If you may have noticed, my photos section ended up changing theme. This is a result of me trying to integrate Gallery to Drupal. I'm very close, but still have a few bugs to work out before I open it up. In the mean time, I'm not going to spend the time to change the theme that my old gallery installation decided to take on when I upgraded it.

The apartment has become somewhat livable since moving, but it is still a ways from being done. I wonder if Nick and Maggie have beat us making their apartment presentable yet? As soon as our place gets presentable, I will post pictures.

I hope everyone is having a good start of the semester.


Ha! No. We made pretty good

Ha! No.

We made pretty good progress this weekend though. Maybe in a week or two we can have people over.