Crash, Job, Conference

Yesterday was an interesting day. When I woke up I found my PowerBook crashed and the hard drive clicking. Not a good thing. I take it in to work and was able to clone the drive with no problems. So far the problem hasn't surfaced again, but I hope I will be able to get it replaced before the warranty runs out.

While cloning my drive using my Mac mini, I was also attempting to install the Windows Vista beta on parallels (it don't work) as well as doing a few other things. With all this activity I managed to lockup my computer for about 20 minutes where the clock wouldn't update and iTunes wouldn't play, but the machine didn't crash!

While my computer was not accessible, I got a call concerning a possible job in Des Moines. I recognized the name the person identified himself as but I couldn't remember from where. Turns out he was the guy I talked to at career fair last fall from Source Allies. Before he was able to identify the company he was from and any contact information, my cell phone crashed (gasp!) and reset. Luckily he called back immediately and I am to expect an email about a possible phone interview. Since I was going to do stuff in the job market, I figured it would be a good time to update my resume. I also got permission to use one of my MIS professors for a reference, which I think will work out really well.

Yesterday afternoon I caught wind that Apple has awarded the WWDC scholarships, but haven't notified people yet. Sure enough, I found the WWDC coupon in my assets and applied it for a ticket. I will be going to San Francisco again this summer August 7 through the 11th. I'm also thinking about adding a few more days either before or after the conference to have some time to sight see this time, perhaps even with Gaila. I notified Colin of the availability of the scholarship, but the Internet at the apartment was down so we couldn't figure out if Colin is going (though I can't think of any reason he wouldn't be selected).