(No Subject)

I did pretty well on my mid term considering I just took the wrapper off the book 15 minutes before the test. Class was only 1 hour today, but the subject was actually somewhat interesting and relevant. He talked about the development process and focused on having the client sign off and agree on what the IT person is supposed to do in the project. This is a really important step because the client will want to ask for changes to be made during development. Nothing annoys me more when I'm doing something for someone and they keep telling me that the need this feature and need to be able to do that all after we already had a plan for what was going to be done. It makes things so much harder.

I had to stop by the ATM today before getting lunch, since I spent money yesterday and forgot to replenish my wallet. When I took money from the ATM, it took $50 out of my account, but only gave me $30. I called the bank, and it sounds like I won't get that money back until sometime next week.

On my way back from the union I saw a Bush for president pin next to the sidewalk, but I did a double take to see that Quayle and 88 was also on the button. It was in very good condition. I picked it up. Check it out:
Bush Quayle Button

After lunch, my mom called talking about apartments. I really did not expect my mom to be helping me out on this. She had been calling around about prices and she wanted me to take the afternoon off (and leave Chris alone to clean out the office) to go look at a few apartments. I remember when she was all about keeping me in the basement and keeping me home. Now she even calls around and looks stuff up for me. Wow.

Later in the afternoon, Chris and I sorted and cleaned out the back room under the stairwell an the old conference room we have been using for storage in order to prepare for our move in the first week of August. That was a lot of fun.

By the time I got home after work, I was exhausted. I ordered a pizza, watched Rush Hour 2 on TV and now I'm thinking about heading off to bed. Tomorrow I may be apartment hunting, but if anyone wants to do something that evening, give me a call.

Good night.