(No Subject)

Another day of moving stuff at work today, so I didn't get much done with the scholarships stuff that I really wanted to do. I had my advising appointment and it turns out that I barely didn't make the cut to get into MIS, but I have been place in the undeclared business major for right now so I can continue on taking the higher level business courses. I'm going to retake Econ 101. I got a C in that class without even trying so I would think that I just need to put a little effort into it and I can get a better grade. I've got my schedule figured out for the fall and I think I will post that sometime next week or just before school starts so that I can include my work schedule as well.

In class today (or was it yesterday and I forgot to mention) there were some gold nuggets of comedy. My instructor said that you can't be a Com S major without writing a virus (I have no clue where he got that from) and that macro viruses are a new thing (I have heard about macro viruses being popular way back in the days of the Mac classic, it's not a new thing). He also reffered to script kiddies ad script bunnies. I knew this guy didn't know much about security, just refer to this and this post.

When I got home today after work, I just took a nap in a chair for over an hour. I then woke up again hungry, but not wanting to do anything to satisfy my hunger. I grabbed my cell phone and ordered a pizza without getting out of my chair, then continued to nap until the food came. I love technology sometimes. I can order a pizza in a few seconds without even getting out of my chair, or get TP in emergencies ;-) .

I watched Stargate, got online and answered a few question on the forums and now I'm ready to take a much longer nap. Tomorrow I will be working on a group project so I don't know when I will be available. If you want to do something go ahead and give me a call perhaps after 5 or so.

Good Night.