(No Subject)

I had a nice weekend.

Friday, at work was mostly unpacking. Chris had taken the day off and Tom and I unpacked. I moved two more servers onto the KVM and put together a storage rack. Cleaned up the middle of the room a little bit. I was doing something most of the day. I left as soon as 4:30 came around. It's strange being the first one the leave. I'm usually the last one to leave, so I make sure all the lights are out and everything is put away.

I had to race home, and quickly load the van with the stuff I had packed the night before and then go pick-up Colin and some firewood. Then my mom decided that she was going to stay with my aunt and uncle in the neighboring campsite, so I had to help her load up her stuff (almost all of it ended up not being needed). This caused us to leave much later than we expected. The whole idea of the trip was to get away from parental supervision. Mom said that she respected that, but she was still there.

After unloading at the campsite, which was already set up the night before by my parents (yes, parents come in handy sometimes :-D), we went to Applebee's in Ankeny then to HyVee for groceries. During dinner Meri arrived at the campground and took a nap. We had a short campfire and ended up in bed before midnight. At about 1:00 AM or so, there was some interesting noises from animals fighting in the nearby bushes that entertained us.

Somehow, we all ended up getting up around 8:00 AM. I don't know what is up with us and getting up early when we are all away. I could have used a lot more sleep. Nick cooked us a nice breakfast over the campfire and we got out on the lake before noon, before it was anywhere close to busy. Meri ended up going home to write some thank you letters and ended up taking most of the day doing stuff in Ames. We picked up Walter at the lake around noonish. After getting off the lake we took showers and I started dinner on the grill. We somehow managed to get just the right amount of food, and with me bringing condiments, the only things left over was a little bit of cereal and some cooking oil. After dinner we got a nice fire going and had s'mores. Gaila about burned her lip off by accidentally sticking a burning marshmallow in her face and Meri managed to make a marshmallow explode off her stick. After the fire ran out Colin, Walter, Meri, Gaila and I went for a walk on the bike path down to the marina and back. We were back by midnight and went to bed.

The next morning we had cereal and packed up camp. Again, we ended up getting up before 9:00. We were out of the campground by 11:00 or so. We got people home. I washed the boat, took a nap until 5:00 or so and got dinner, ate dinner, then immediately went back to sleep before 11:00 after doing the Sunday chores.

This is the last week before school starts, so I want to make the best of it. I'm thinking about taking a day off sometime this week to spend a day at the state fair so that I don't have to deal with the weekend crowds. If anyone is interested give me a day and perhaps we can pull something off.

I am still really tired, so I am going to get to bed early again. I'm starting to get a little flaky with my sunburn, but it is not really irritating me that much. I hope everyone had a good weekend!