(No Subject)

Wow, where has this week gone? It seems to have gone by so fast. Thursday, nothing at all happened at work, I went home grilled some brats and watched some West Wing.

Today, was a bit more interesting. The G4 that has been out for about a month and has been having warranty issues has finally been fixed and is back here in the office. Tonight I'm going over to Adrienne's to hang out.

Meri got her teaching job. I'm excited for her. I haven't heard much of the details, but it sounds like she is excited. Colin is in Oklahoma for a wedding, and school starts for me on Monday. Tom has offered a new person a job, but that doesn't mean Colin is out of luck yet for a job here.

I found out that because my brother is now out of school, and that we make money from somewhere, I'm not eligible for subsidized loans. I thought that it was because I got my FAFSA in really late this year, but for some reason they think we have too much money. At least I'm frugal and didn't spend much money this summer. I've got some school bills to pay. Though, I should also look at other loan opportunities if I decide to move out.

I'm heading off to Adrienne's now. Good luck everyone!