(No Subject)

Oy, school has started. Summer on campus is so peaceful, not having to worry about people running around being in my way, etc. Speaking of busy times, last Sunday around 10:00 PM, Chris and I tried something out that we wanted to do for a while... drop bouncy balls down the rotunda in Curtiss. We did this while the MUG server was backing up. Chris finds himself at the office on off hours a lot since he is stuck with 56k at home (Nevada).

Today started with me sleeping in until 9:00. The school year starts, and I get to sleep in on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I stopped by Staples for my notebook and headed to class.

Hist 280
History of Science I

Sounds like I will be interested. A lot of writing, but they won't actually check for good writing. Sounds like a BS class, and I'm okay with it. Got out early, but not early enough to grab something to eat. I have sections tomorrow morning at 8:00.

Econ 101

I got a C the last time I took this course. Last time I took it I really didn't try much. I'm retaking this because it's part of my foundation, and I just managed to squeak under the cutoff foundation GPA required for MIS. Though, for the time being I'm in the Business Undeclared, so I can take the other general business courses needed for my planned major. I might think about changing sections to get with the teacher I had last time, he was much cooler that this teacher.

Phych 280
Social Psychology

This class sounds like it will be really interesting. The instructor, imo, seems to understand the subject well. He made it clear that he is not going to sugar coat anything to avoid offending people. He told us "This isn't high school anymore" and that if we are offended by his language he "doesn't give a sh?t" His lecture and powerpoint were very interactive and well-planned. I'm going to like this class.

TrLog 360
Business Logistics

This is at 5:00 PM. The subject is extremely complicated and boring. They have an engineer teaching it, and it has been regarded as a difficult course. It is required as part of my business major. I think Lagomarcino Hall is going to get imprinted in my mind as the place all my worst classes meet. I had COBOL in that same room. I think I'm going to grit my teeth and work though this class.

Work today was full of work. I set up a computer, took a few phone calls, resolved some IP conflicts, and managed to eat lunch somewhere in there. I was doing something just about the entire time, totally different from what it has been there the past week or two.

As I mentioned before, I have class at 8:00 tomorrow, then work most of the day. I plan on getting a few of my my textbooks after my 8:00 class. Tonight begins the MUG meetings. This one is the officer's meeting, and I'm hoping to have a general meeting next Tuesday. Wednesday will be fun with a similar schedule as today, but tack on to the end of it, a quick dinner, FUG, and church.

Good night.