(No Subject)

This was a nice weekend. I really enjoyed it.

Friday, Adrienne and I went to see Michael Ian Black at Stephens Auditorium. The house was packed. I was sort of expecting more, but I suppose he is not much of the stand-up comedian type guy. The show was also, only about and hour long. Hey, it was free, and worth my time :-D

Saturday, I just lazed around and ended up watching StarWars IV V and VI

Sunday, I went to church again. Though this time, some friends from out of town were in, and there were not that many other people there because of the holiday weekend. After chruch, a bunch of us went to Village Inn for breakfast / lunch. After that some of us went to Sam's Club courtesy of Adrienne's parent's membership so I could get some candy for ClubFest and so Ben could pick-up some things for himself. Later that evening a bunch of us hung at at Adrienne's for game night. I believe the attendance was: Me, Colin, Nicki, Erik, Ben R, Katie, Ben J, Dave C, Lindsey, Gaila, and of corse, Adrienne. We ordered Great Plains and had a good time. The weather was pretty nice as well during the time as well.

Today, I lazed around watching the West Wing marathon on Bravo, and after I submit this I'll be working on the homework I should have been doing earlier this weekend.

While hitting some of the blogs today, I kind of thought that I need to re-organize my web site. Most of the time the stuff people are looking for is my blog. I suppose when I have time and am not working on anything else, I may just totally overhaul my site so that my blog will be on the main page and redo the layout. While doing this, I hope to learn CSS, and I will actually attempt to make my code valid HTML/CSS instead of just winging it like I usually do. I'm sure that many of my pages don't really validate properly.

Time to hit the homework. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.