RSS Feed Ideas

It's late, but I thought that I should post a few things before I head off to bed.

Colin and I have been talking a bit about RSS feeds. If you don't know what RSS is check it out at Wikipedia. If you are still confused, basically it's a way people can consolidate their news / blog postings into one place rather than going to each individual web page. Though, to do this the web page needs to be enabled with RSS. You may not realize this, but users of crazylife, greatestjournal, and livejournal already have RSS functionality built in. I, on the other hand, have to program my own RSS functionality. I have figured out how to do it dynamically just tonight and I plan on having a feed available by tomorrow afternoon :-)

Also, if you want to be able to read a consolidation of RSS feeds, check out NewsNinja. It is a new aggregator that I found to be fairly useful, though there are others around the net and programs that you can download that will do the same thing.