The Weekend, and Apple x86

Well, I just got back from a very good weekend up in South Dakota. This was the last time I went to South Dakota to see Gaila as she will be coming back down to Ames for the rest of her school career :). There isn't much to say about the weekend. Gaila cooked French Toast Saturday morning and spaghetti for dinner. Sunday she made banana bread (yum). Over the course of all the cooking we did, we ended up going to Hy-Vee 4 times in the entire weekend.

Thursday night I had Colin come over so we could discuss apartment stuff. I need to call out and schedule an appointment for tomorrow to see at least one apartment that caught our attention. Colin also lent me his copy of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X so I can study this week.

Friday night my co-workers and I skipped out of work around 3:00 to go see StarWars III at 4:15. The idea now is to see all the StarWars movies next Sunday. Start with 1 and 2, go see 3 in the theater, then 4, 5, and 6 afterwards. It will be quite a day.

Today, I woke up with the news that Apple is looking into Intel chips and all these business news outlets are speculating that Apple will be switching to the x86. I am really sick of this story. Apple will not port OS X to x86! Apple will not get into the generic PC market. I hate hearing this every 6 months. So, I'm just going to write up a reason why it's not going to happen in another post so that I'll have access to it any time someone tells me Apple is going to do this.