WWDC Sunday and Monday

So, currently I'm waiting in line to go to the Keynote address at the Moscone center. The line streatches around an entire level. The rumors about Intel and Apple are thick around here, but I can't believe there are people who haven't heard the news yet. Sometimes, I doubt the devotion these Apple geeks have for Apple.

So, Saturday we drive down the the Airport with Gaila so we don't do the long term parking. All the flights were on time and ok. Because of mom, we were able to get an electric cart to go through the entire terminal in MSP. We arrived at gat B23 and left gate F5 for those who know the MSP airport. The trip was pretty uneventful, with exception of annoying parents. Checked in, ate dinner, went to bed.

Last night was really interesting. Sunday was the student sessions at the Argent Hotel near the Moscone center. They served us breakfast at 8:00 and we had speakers through the day. I was in a session of about 250 people listening the James Duncan Davidson, Author of the O'rieley book Learning Cocoa with Objective C. I also saw Aaron Hillegass, another author of a good selling Cocoa book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X. Lunch was a nice buffet with Chicken Parmesean. All this is FREE :). After lunch was the coding session, but instead of codeing James decided to show us cool stuff with Core Data with one of the Core data engeneers. THen we spent a bunch of time with the Quartz Composer, got some cool screen savers at Futurismo Zugakousaku . During this time I recorded 98 people on my Bonjour list. When I signed on, my Growl notification ended up going off the screen. After the fun stuff with Quartz Composer and Core Data, we had a nice presentation about finding jobs or starting your own software company done by the founder of the Omni Group and creator of Delicious Library Wil Shipley(?). After the events Peter (a friend I met from Glasgow, Scotland) and I went shopping around for a PSP for Peter because they are not out yet in his country.

Anyway, the line moves. Perhaps I will have updates later.

PS: some editing needs to be done later.

EDIT: Edited for completeness