A look back at summer goals

Well, this week also went by really fast. I did the AD authentication for the help ticket system and added a few more features. The more features I think of, the more I want a simple system of keeping track of feature requests and track bugs with (even those that I want, I sometimes forget about). I know Colin has this problem as well. So, this has prompted me to create a feature and bug tracking system sometime this summer. Other things that I need to add on to my summer goals is to build another computer for my MIS work. So, Lets review my summer goals.
  • Get apartment
  • Learn cocoa - didn't happen before WWDC, still a goal
  • Do something with web site - Decided to make a CMS for all the pages so I can add/delete/modifiy simple things quickly
  • NEW Create Bug and Feature request system
  • NEW Build a Windows PC (or buy a *gasp* Dell)

So, now that I reviewed my summer goals, I'll continue with what has been going on this week. Thursday was the municipal band concert. I was under the impression that Colin was going to be there, but he didn't show up or answer his phone.

Friday was an eventful day at work. The file server decided to stop communicating well with the AD, thus causing permissions errors and people not being able to login. We spent the whole day trying to figure out what had happened when we decided, the fastest and easiest way to get the file services back up was to go ahead and blast away the install and use Windows Server instead of trying to make Linux work. Since the boss was at a funeral (can't spell funeral without FUN!) he doesn't really know what what the solution to the problem was. It will be an interesting Monday moring as Tom figures out what we did (more so, what Chris did) and we finally get a cooling system installed in the new office space (over a year in counting since we were supposed to move there!). After leaving work after dinner, Gaila and I hung out until it was time to crash.

Saturday, I got around to getting my oil changed in my car, and cleaning my car. I mean really cleaning it. Getting rid of the the trash that has accumulated over the past year or so in the back seat of my car. It got dusted and everything too. I have no clue what Sunday has in store for me, but I know I will be sleeping in really good (unless I get a call for working on the server some more).

Also, on a last note. On the student sunday day of WWDC, I attended a presentation done by Wil Shipley founder of the Omni Group (makers of OmniWeb, and other Omni* tools) and Delicious Monster (makers of the insanely great Delicious Library). His inspiring Keynote slides have become available to the genearl public at http://wilshipley.com/blog/2005/06/student-talk-from-wwdc-2005.html. Colin managed to pick this up and throw it in his blog before I could even tell him, so yeah, it's really good advice for aspiring Mac developers :). Though, I have to say, the presentation was much better than just the slides.

Anyway, enough rambling.