Busy at Work

Well, Chris' last day was today and I have been officially put on the CMS project. This is going to be fun since I really haven't looked around at his code yet for this system. Hopefully it's straight forward and well documented. Also, as a result, I am now in charge of the servers at work. The sad thing now is that I will no longer be taking care of our Macs anymore :(. Though in my position I may be able to make a better case for Tom to get xServes instead of Dells for new server purchases.

Also, it's time to get the inventory people to grab our old equipment so we won't have it for the move. We were told we should be moving sometime this July (note they haven't worked on power or network requirements yet). So there is a lot of equipment to organize and catalog. Also, Tom gave the okay to start deploying Tiger clients to use the AD since I setup a building procedure.

Anyway, so much technical stuff lately. The problem is, there really hasn't been very much else going on. Other than work, I have been hanging out a lot with Gaila, but time with her just seems to go so quickly. I'm looking forward to hanging out with friends on the 4th.