I'm alive, really

This semester is turning out to be really really really busy. I mean really.

After recovering from being sick I had a week of school and work to make up. I missed two days of class-time to work with my partner on the 20 minute American Indian presentation. MIS 432 (you'll hear me rant about this class a lot) had a milestone to be worked on and handed in. 432 also had a complex Oracle diagram assigned and due given three days (including the weekend) to work on. Both the milestone and the diagram had to be done in our groups where nobody has time to work on stuff. We ended up meeting on Monday from 8 pm to 10 pm just to work on the diagram. In the next two weeks we have another milestone and 2 more assignments for the group to work on.

Also Oracle really sucks and is really frustrating to use. I also spent some time figuring out how to connect to the college's Oracle database from either the office or home, but found client configuration to be convoluted. I figured out the client configuration (at least, I think I did), only to find that they have the port fire-walled.

Business communications had a group presentation assigned and given in the past week. The presentation was kind of crappy, but it wasn't really hard since there was plenty of information on the subject.

American Indian class was probably the worst. My partner for this project lives and works out of town, which made getting together to work on the project very difficult. Also, missing a week for time to work on this did not help as well. Another thing was the topic was hard to find credible information and enough information to fill 20 minutes of presentation.

The only other class I am in is MIS 434 (e-commerce). So far it has all been lecture and nothing outside of class. Though this Thursday we have started our project. The project is for the 5 of us in the class to create a web site from scratch for someone who wants to sell ceramics and advertise herself for a graphic design job. The project sounds like it will be interesting. However, some of the stuff we have been talking about doing appears to be a little bit out of the league for the people in the class, and will prove to be a challenge even for me.

So, that covers my class stuff. At work, it is scholarship time. The scholarships are closing and I have had a flood of questions and people not reading directions on the application. Most of these are handled by someone else, but there is nothing that can be done to make sure that I'm not bugged every year. Also, I just found out that the web server wasn't collecting stats correctly since April. If someone can tell us about this problem we can do something about it. Also I have been working on several other small projects at work including the CMS.

There really hasn't been much time for a personal life. Gaila and I see each about every day. We have lunch and hang out at night. My parents went to Texas last week so I had to house sit and take care of Maggie.

With all this stuff going on, I haven't even had time to continue work on my brother's web site, start working on ksboutique to intergrate with PayPal, and I haven't even had enough time to crack open a Cocoa book.

On V-Day, I was really busy. I found time to get Gaila a card and little horse statue between school and picking my parent's up from the airport. Gaila was able to redeem her Apple Store gift certificate for an iPod on our way to pick my parents up. They were nice enough to reward us with a meal at Outback.

Tonight Gaila is working (late now). We are planning on having a late dinner and relaxing tonight, laundry tomorrow, and on Sunday we will meet up with her family in Des Moines to see the Lipizzaner Stallions. I hope things are going okay for everyone so far.