(No Subject)

Quote from a recent PC to Mac convert on SA:
"I'm cruising the information highway in the OS equivalent of a BMW 760iL, watching Bloomberg on the seatback LCD and snorting coke in the backseat while millions of dollars of laundered money are being transferred to my Swiss bank account. This is computing with style."
Well put guy.

This evening, I started to hang out with Colin. Adrienne called and invited us to play games over at her place. We played Apples to Apples again, but it just wasn't as fun with only three people. So, we broke out the Monopoly game. Monopoly always seems to take a long time to play. We didn't finish the game, but it was fun.

Tomorrow I have to mow the lawn before it rains, but it's already 2:40 or so now so I don't think I'll be happy getting up in the AM. Plus I have to hunker down and study this weekend. Colin said that he would be going to either UDCC or ULC tomorrow. I asked that he call me if he wanted any company. I will be quitting my mail program and shutting off my Internet access over the weekend so I can focus on work. If you need to contact me please CALL.

Good Night.