

I finished my last piece of coursework today before noon with a final. The last two weeks have been incredibly stressful with projects, papers, and tests to do. I will not be going to any graduation ceremony and I have no plans for any party this weekend.

I still don't have a new job. Now that I'm not so busy with school work, I can focus on my job search. I have mainly been looking at Principal, but so far I have been denied for every job after. Places that don't allow you to upload your resume (either in plain text or .doc or .pdf format) are a pain to work with. For example, Principal doesn't give you space to list extracurricular activities, hobbies related to the field, specific skill-sets, etc. Only your degree, GPA, and a brief job history are accepted in their system.

I do have a lead on a campus job doing ASP MSQL work. Depending on what the details are, it seems like it could be a good job. I also have a few other ideas I will be pursuing next week. For the time being, Tom is allowing me to work until I get a full-time job or through the end of January. I have to document what I have been doing and leave instructions for how to do the things I do at work. I have to say goodbye to my scholarship system I have developed and maintained over the past few years, and I have a few web sites to move off yogurt that is still hosted here. Working for Tom was awesome.

So, anyway, that is what has been going on in relation to graduation. I hope everyone had a good semester.