(No Subject)

Once again, it has been a while since I posted. I've been tired all week for some reason. Perhaps the reason is that I start working earlier than when I usually start school (Work starts at 7:30, but I stumble in around 8 or 8:30) and I am still staying up until 2:00 am. I am cutting down on the number of hours I sleep. I slept in today a little, but I had a good excuse for work. I'm not going to say my excuse here, but if you are curious you may IM or email me. Please don't leave comments about it.

At work I managed to create a build for a computer lab and install it over the course of two days. If I was still going to school, this would have stressed me out a lot. That type of thing usually requires a good block of time to sit down and make things work just right. Since lab computers need to be secured and have a bunch of special software installed on them it takes a little extra effort to install. Also, installing the image to the lab machines takes a bit of time.

At home, I have been getting into Stargate (one of my previously mentioned goals for the summer). That may explain why I'm not online much in the evenings. Yesterday at church the food was really good. I don't know if I will be going every Wednesday, but I may alternate between that and seeing what's going on at the FUG meetings. Next week the food will be brats and hot dogs, so I don't think I want to miss that.

I have started to go though the Cocoa tutorial in xCode during my free time at work, though I also have the bad habit of surfing the forums. Improving my blog program is not something that is a big priority, but it's something that I kind of want to do. Meri sent me some of her Excel budget files so I could get a feel for how she budgets. I will probably use some of her ideas to create my own system. I still haven't cleaned out the basement, but that will happen easily after or during this weekend as I help move the rest of my brother's stuff out of here. I have been using his desk and office chair, and I will miss them.

Earlier tonight, Colin, Gaila and I went to see Van Helsing. I don't think it was as bad as the ratings on IMDB really say it was, but there were a few things that didn't rest quite well in the movie. One thing was the secret place in the Vatican that was sort of like Q's lab in the 007 movies. Also, for some reason, the carriages are really flammable. One carriage fell down a canyon and ended up exploding like a car in most movies. Though, my overall opinion of the movie was that it was much better than The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Anyway, that is what has been going on recently. I'm going to get an episode or two of Stargate in before I go to bed EARLY tonight.