(No Subject)

This summer I have not been getting enough sleep. Summer is supposed to be a relaxing time. Since summer has started I have been going though Stargate episodes like crazy. Though, anytime I set down to watch some episodes, I keep thinking to myself I can get one more episode in before I go to bed. This ends up happening until maybe 2:00 AM. I have work at 7:30. This is been happening a lot lately and I really should set my foot down to make me get to bed earlier.

Last night Meri and I went to the library to be productive for an hour. She was very productive and I was not. I did not have any stat homework assigned on the first day (or even today for that matter). I ended up online chatting with Colin and Adrienne while surfing the forums. Meri was extremely tired and I'm glad she got home at a decent time to get some sleep. She has a long week ahead of her with Olympiad Nationals coming up.

After I got home, I managed to clean up the basement "living space" (ie not my room and "office"). I got the entertainment area set up so the VCR is not setting in the middle of the floor when I want to plug my computer in. I finally found my VCR remote under the couch. Without it I can't set the VCR to AV to watch the computer input. Tonight I might get the refreshment/munchie area figured out with the island, then watch a bunch of Stargate and get to bed EARLY.

When I got into work after class today we had to move some office desks from 3rd floor Beardshear to 3rd floor Curtiss. These things were heavy metal desks. We loaded them onto a truck and had fun maneuvering the desks into the Curtiss elevator. The basement elevator access is very cramp. Eventually these desks will become ours when we move into 301 Curtiss in late summer.

I've got a computer to rebuild now. Everyone have a good day.