(No Subject)

I wasn't expecting to do anything last night, but I got a call from Meri during dinner inviting me to the municipal band concert. I scarfed down the Chinese food as fast as I could stand it so I could make it there at a decent time. We met up with Nick and Colin came as soon as he got off of work. We got to talk to Nerdig and Jen a little bit before we left for home.

I found out today that the way I have been doing authentication for my blog for myself has been depreciated. The way of handling sessions has changed, and I now have to learn how to handle sessions the new way and use that to integrate the new user system for the blog now. I believe I have it figured out, but I guess it's going to be a little more difficult than I thought it would be. Oh well.

I am currently transferring my domain's registrar from InexpensiveDomains to GoDaddy since GoDaddy is half the price. I plan on renewing for two years for the same price as it would cost for one year at InexpensiveDomains. I have to say, I'm glad I started the transfer process now since it will take a while for everything to get authorized and changes to propagate. I don't expect any loss of service for this very important web site. The whole process is going to take about a week or so.

Today I finally did not park in the ramp. I was able to get up in time for me to catch the bus and get to class way ahead of time. While at the Union picking up some lunch, I was surprised to see Molly there. Ended up talking with her a bit and informed her of the possible Iowa Cubs game trip planned for the weekend of the 18th.

Tonight I'm going to see The Chronicles of Riddick with Colin. We'll be getting some lunch at the Subway Mel is working at.
