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YEAH, the weather is here, but from what the nice weather people are saying it's going to pass while I'm scheduled to be indoors with limited access to windows. :(

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I went to see Stepford Wives today with Nick and Maggie. The movie was pretty good. The story was not up to my somewhat high expectation. It almost felt like a Tim Burton movie visually. It was somewhat disturbing (in a good way). The entire place seemed artificial, but that was the point. There were a few good laughs. I would say that it's not a MUST SEE movie, but something that is much better than the majority of crap that is out there now. I rate this movie at 8/10.

Now, I was expecting weather tonight. What happened to that? Also, the long range forecast change rain from Friday to Saturday. I just hope it doesn't rain when we go see the iCubs game. The best forecast is to look outside at the sky to see if there are any bad looking clouds in the west. Also, radar of western Iowa tends to be a good source of forecasting for the approaching 6 hours. Though, I want an accurate forecast days in advance. Yeah, I know, the weather people do the best that they can, and I appreciate their hard work.

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Hehe, I found a bug while I was working on permission in the comments system. If there is a comment that is not approved under an entry, the comment count will still count the un-approved comment. I will fix that with my next revision.

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Got a new Duel 1.8 G5 for a client today. I am trying very hard not to drool all over it. It's shear speed is causing me convulsions. I can't wait until our xServe gets in. That will be a Duel 2 Ghz, with a lot more RAM.

I am also reminded that I want to go see Stepford Wives this week or coming weekend. I've got a good recommendation from one of my co-workers.

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I had a somewhat lazy weekend. Spending most of my time not being productive and watching storms. I mowed the lawn today. I don't like mowing the lawn. I can't wait for automated lawn mowing machines to become common. Perhaps they will be by the time I become a home owner.

After mowing the lawn, I got a headache. After dinner, I really wasn't feeling to well. I'm not feeling the greatest right now as well and I've been ready to go to be for the past hour or so, but I still have a few things to do before tomorrow. I don't like being sick.

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I had my doubts about Nick's predictions for severe weather this evening, but when I got out of the movie I thought a street light was flickering. GG Nick.

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I wasn't expecting to do anything last night, but I got a call from Meri during dinner inviting me to the municipal band concert. I scarfed down the Chinese food as fast as I could stand it so I could make it there at a decent time. We met up with Nick and Colin came as soon as he got off of work. We got to talk to Nerdig and Jen a little bit before we left for home.

I found out today that the way I have been doing authentication for my blog for myself has been depreciated. The way of handling sessions has changed, and I now have to learn how to handle sessions the new way and use that to integrate the new user system for the blog now. I believe I have it figured out, but I guess it's going to be a little more difficult than I thought it would be. Oh well.

I am currently transferring my domain's registrar from InexpensiveDomains to GoDaddy since GoDaddy is half the price. I plan on renewing for two years for the same price as it would cost for one year at InexpensiveDomains. I have to say, I'm glad I started the transfer process now since it will take a while for everything to get authorized and changes to propagate. I don't expect any loss of service for this very important web site. The whole process is going to take about a week or so.

Today I finally did not park in the ramp. I was able to get up in time for me to catch the bus and get to class way ahead of time. While at the Union picking up some lunch, I was surprised to see Molly there. Ended up talking with her a bit and informed her of the possible Iowa Cubs game trip planned for the weekend of the 18th.

Tonight I'm going to see The Chronicles of Riddick with Colin. We'll be getting some lunch at the Subway Mel is working at.


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Update. I now have the user registration figured out. Now the hard part of giving users something to do.

FYI, I am doing this on a backup of this blog so I will not destroy all my previous hard work.

Time to go home and do some stat. Yippie!

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I got to bed at around 11:30 last night. That is un heard of for me. Though, the past two days I haven't been feeling the greatest at night for some reason. Nothing too serious, maybe a little fever. Though Meri pointed out that I may have pink eye. I'll have to keep an eye on that.

During my free time at work I have started on a user system for the blog. I imagine that my friends can get an account here and will be e-mailed my blog entries as I post them if they so desire. I will also attempt to have a persistent login so that they will not have to login every day to read and post. I'm doing this all from scratch, with just a few sample tutorials to help me. Doing stuff this way is good because it allows me to expand my knowledge while challenging myself. When I really want to learn something in computers, I don't want answers just handed to me. I enjoy figuring it out on my own. When I do that it makes sure that I know why it is that way and I can have a much better understanding. It also makes me more confident in my skills. It's a good feeling to solve a problem on your own.

To tie up some loose ends. I decided to not vote last night. Though I do appreciate the work it takes to make it possible, I just don't want to make a decision I can't justify. Also, who is Cristina? I have gotten random e-mails from people about my blog entires, but wha? I do appreciate your comments.

I'm going to go relax now.

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Apparently, today is the Iowa primaries. Meri let me know by her MSN name. She and I discussed the election. As I was looking up information so that I could possibly make an educated decision when voting, I realized something. There are barely any choices on the ballot. Also, there is really no place to get information about the candidates. Looking up the incumbents and polling place here, I realized I barely knew who most of these people are. A few of the names ring a bell, but I have no clue what they sand for. Between the lack of choice for some of the positions, and the lack of information about the candidates, I can not make an informed decision. I don't want to be voting for someone that does not represent my best interests and I don't want to be voting along party lines. I want someone I think will be best for the job. If I don't have much of a choice between candidates and I don't have much information about these people's positions I can't make a decision that I can be confident in.

In other news, I really like the new cart we got for our office. I moved someone's computer and two huge laser printers from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor in one trip, without breaking my back. Also, I got a copy of some Lewis Black stand-up from one of our other users. I know a few of you love his stuff. I did.

It's time for me to go home.
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