(No Subject)

Ok, I hooked my brother up with a gmail account. Colin and I both have invites, if nobody comes forward in the next day or so, I will put them up on SA.

Sunday, I actually went to church. I still like the more informal Wednesday services. On Sunday, they have us flipping between two programs and a large book of hymns. It's a little cumbersome. Also, I don't think the message gets through as well on Sunday as it does with the smaller groups on Wednesday. There is also a lot of other announcements and stuff going on. I prefer the smaller groups. I may do the occasional Sunday thing, but I don't think I'll be doing it regularly. I should take the time to catch a dinner though, perhaps some bible study might re-spark my interest and curiosity I have lost over the summer, but that takes time from relaxing and napping. Sunday afternoon/evening I took a nap, finished West Wing (all done!) and did a little studying.

I'm in the swing of all my classes now, but I still need to order myself for study. I know I'm not going to study in the morning before school/work. I really like getting as much sleep as possible in the mornings, and I should have known that.

Today was the highlight of the week so far. I can't even remember what I actually did on Monday or Tuesday. At work I finally got around to showing the administrator the scholarship system I set up for her. She was delighted and amazed about what I did. The stuff I did will save her so much time, and it will keep her from bugging me all the time about little changes to the scholarship wording and presentation. It will also take me out of the loop when applicants email or call her about making changes to their applications as she will now have the power to take care of it herself. I still need to get undergraduate and the other scholarships done, but I have a template that will allow me to work though those much quicker.

Colin picked me up after class so we could grab something to eat before going to the FUG meeting. The meeting was about the distributed computing on campus. A copy of the presentation can be found here. After his presentation we had a quick tour of the "server room" that houses pretty much all the computing resources for campus.

Church was nice. Somehow some people just had to talk during the distribution of communion. I love how informal things can be sometimes. Afterwards pizza and hanging out. I like the couch there, it is very comfy.

Tomorrow is the first MUG meeting. 1220 Howe 7:00, presentation about WWDC if anyone is interested in going. Friday, Adrienne and I have been talking about seeing Michael Ian Black. If anyone else is interested on joining us, let us know. Admission is free.

Also, do a Google search for "hotlesbiansheepaction"

Good night.


Nicki started it!!!