(No Subject)

Yeah, it has been quite the lazy weekend. Friday, Stargate. Saturday, mow lawn. Sunday, visit with aunt and uncle.

Talking with Colin, it appears that everyone's blog comes with an RSS feed. Seeing as how many web browsers are offering support for RSS, I should probably look into providing an RSS feed for my site. I never really used RSS, but it would be a real nice tool to quickly check up on blog updates. I also need to add subject lines to my entries and comments and threading (something that has been on the list for quite a while). Adding subject lines shouldn't be too hard.

Today, I got 6 more gMail invites, and thanks to isnoop, I was able to get rid of them immediately. :-)

I'm looking forward to spending the next weekend up in Okoboji and having the house to myself the following week. Perhaps party ;-). They actually wouldn't mind me having people over though, but I don't really have too much time during the week anyway (except Friday maybe). During this time, I'm thinking about setting up my old G4 for my Dad so he can have a nicer computer to use FinalCut with. I also want to install OS X on the iMac because it has been having a few problems. It is nice that, even with OS 9 on there, I haven't had to rebuild it for over a year. Though, it is showing some annoyances every now and then.

I need to take out the trash and get ready for tomorrow. I hope everyone had a good weekend.


It's too bad that we don't have Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger yet with Safari (RSS enabled :-( So far Firefox 1.0 Preview Release is the first RSS enabled browser i've really used and im trying to reorganize some of my bookmarks to deal with RSS. Also im looking forward to other things like Spotlight, Xcode 2.0 and H.264.

I wonder when Camino will get RSS support, I mean I know they don't have nearly as much support as Firefox does, but RSS is gonna be one of those things they'll need to compete. Personally I just hope Safari Javascript & CSS is much faster as some claim it to be, they'll have to be if they want Dashboard to be sucsessfull.

While were on RSS have you found any guide to adding RSS? It seems to be that so far the sites Google is turning up are systems through existing software out there, ie not a system like yours that is custom done.

This has a nice thing to start you on creating a simple static RSS feed. Though, I'm still looking for a way to make it dynamic. It doesn't work if it's in a PHP file. I have homework, AD (something that doesn't come easy for a LOT of people I know), and other PHP projects that have higher priority at work. Perhaps, if it is not too hard, I might figure it out tomorrow, as I have plenty of time to work on stuff at work.

Back to homework for the time being.

EDIT: Nevermind. I figured it out! they key is:header("Content-Type: text/xml"); run before any output is given to the browser :) I'll have a dynamic RSS feed by the end of the day tomorrow.