RSS is here

Yeah! I now have an RSS feed for my blog. You can access the RSS at If you are running the latest version of FireFox, you may even notice the RSS button on the lower right corner of the window that will allow you to bookmark it.

I have also made a quick and dirty RSS with PHP tutorial that explains a little bit how I did it, since it wasn't really easy to find this information with a quick Google like it was supposed to be.

Also, to help facilitate my RSS feed, I added a subject line to my entires so that each entry will have a title.

Time to get back to work. I must update my resume in preparation for career fair tomorrow. I also need to find something fairly formal to wear as well. I haven't worn my current suit for a long time, and it probably is a little too formal and it doesn't quite fit anymore. I lost a lot of weight since I wore that suit last.


It's weird the RSS symbol doesn't show up anymore on your site, did you remove it? Everybody else has RSS feeds still and Firefox is showing RSS elsewhere which means RSS it working like it's supposed too.

Thanks for the RSS tutorial, Im not gonna use it now but it could be nice to have in the future.

Sorry, I disabled it earlier today investigating Adrienne's problem report as I noticed it happening on the latest version of IE. Should be back now.