General Update

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been fairly busy. I took care of my two back to back tests on Wednesday. I decided not to take my psych exam during the alternate time because if I did, I would have to take a comprehensive final. I feel I did pretty well on both exams and will be content with the grades that I get, especially if on the curve.

At the MUG meeting today, we got to experience the C4 virtual reality lab. It was a pretty cool technology to experience. I can just see something similar being used as a home entertainment system in 20 years. We also had someone stop by to announce a network security experiment. They want people to help set up and protect a network from hackers (experts in computer and network security will be the hackers). The actual experiment will be in April, but they are looking at organizing teams right now. This is something that I may be interested in doing. There may be an email to the MUG list in the next few days about it. They are looking to compare different systems for security and are interesting in comparing Mac OS to other Windows, and UNIX-like systems.

Wednesday, campus organizations got an email about the proper use of ISU trademarks in URLs. Apparently, the MUG and a bunch of other organizations are now in violation of ISU's trademark usage policy. They are having a fit about the string "ISU" being in our domain name . They offer no exceptions for any campus organization to use trademarks in a domain. Because our organization name is ISUMUG we are going to have a problem operating. This controversy is cause by the recent change in the way ISU handles its intellectual property. Before, the ISU Research Foundation was responsible for ISU trademarks. It has been turned over to the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance. In case you didn't know, ISU is a registered trademark. I will probably have a longer rant about this later when I research the issue some more and perhaps get some questions answered.

InstallFest for FUG is this Saturday. Colin and I will be attending. I haven't figured out what I want to do, but I'm leaning towards installing BSD on an x86. Sunday I'm hoping to go out and do something fun with friends.

Well, time for bed.


You think the copyright thing is anal? Well, it is, but it gets worse. Go to They have a primary color palate, a secondary color palate, and an athletic color palate. There are some colors you can't use. There are also ways you can and can't use the nameplate, and rules for about anything that involves ISU or anything that could be interpreted as ISU.

Yeah, I've been there. There is just so much crap about ISU's identity and how they try to enforce it on themselves that it is nearly impossible to list all the annoyances. I just wanted to mention the gist of the problem I'm currently having. As president of the MUG I am responsible for any violations of the policy committed by our organization. Sucks that I inherited this.