Busy week ahead

I'm just posting to let people know of my busy week ahead.
Monday - TrLog quiz (these are more like test, except essay)
Tuesday - Psych mass testing for class credit, Acct 285 Test (really need to study a lot for this one).
Wednesday - Psych class test (the graded kind), FUG and Chruch :D
Thursday - iMovie tutorial in 1340 Molecular Biology (still needs to be organized this week with table tents and flyers)
Friday - Do something fun!

I have been invited up to Yankton and am considering going to see Gaila. There is also Film Festival to get a web site organized for, the transition from ISUMUG to AmesMUG, and another ambiguously defined business group project in logistics. Only two weeks to Thanksgiving break.

To cap the weekend:

Saturday:Just after the bus left the parking lot after dropping us off at our cars after the Apple Store trip, I realized I had left my coat on the bus. Luckily, on my way home on Airport Road I spotted the bus being put away next to one of the storage units, and I was able to recover my coat before getting home :D.

I got home, showed off my iPod to my 'rents and fell asleep until around 5:30 or so when I made plans with Colin and Adrienne to get some Battle's BBQ and watch Shrek II and Dazed and Confused at her place.

Oh, speaking of movies, Colin and I went to see The Incredibles on Friday. I give that move an A-. I would be interested in seeing it again in the theater and I think I have decided to get it when it comes out on DVD (which is more than I could say for an iPod ;-) ).

Sunday: I went to church. Sometimes it is nice to have a good sleeping pattern though the weekend. I'm already ready to go to bed and it's not even past midnight. After church Ben R, Katie, Adrienne, Erik, Dave C, Noel and I went for a meal at Carlos O' Kelly's. After that Ben and I stopped by my office with Noel's computer to see if we could fix the LCD not displaying. We couldn't find the problem so it looks like she may be getting a new laptop.

Well, I've got a busy week to get ready for. Laters.


Good luck with staying focused and preparing for all your tests and projects!

I would be interested to go and see "The Incredibles" I might have plans for Friday and/or Saturday Nights (but not sure as of yet) ...How about Sunday afternoon?

My weekend depends on whether or not I'm going up to see Gaila. Friday I'm open to do stuff. If I'm not going there have been plans about seeing Office Space Saturday night at the Varsity.

Thanks for your encouragement Meri.