New Apartment

Well, Colin and I are closing in on an apartment starting this fall. We are putting down the deposit this afternoon and will be moving around Aug 1. We went through J & L Sorenson Enterprises who seem to be a good couple of people. Small and devoted. Plus, I got a good recommendation of them from my co-worker. Rent is 595 / mo and includes water, expanded basic cable, wireless internet, and 940 Sq Ft. They are even willing to install new flooring, ceiling fans and microwave at no charge.

Anybody know much about Resonant Networks for wireless? I'll probably end up calling them to see if I can get a static, external IP. If someone has experience with them, please let me know.


I have them...I think They are not to bad

Congrats on the Apartment...You'll love it!

Sweet. I'm not keen on the whole wireless internet thing, but it could be ok; I've heard both good and bad things.

If you need help moving, let us know. I have to work 9 hours on the 1st, but I'd be willing to help where I can.