Busy at work, at school, and at home

Attention everyone.... EXCEL IS NOT FOR DATABASES! With this said, I would like to extend thanks to whoever made the CSV format, FileMaker Pro 7, and the command grep. Getting the information I needed out of Excel with several hundreds of duplicate records and fields being defined in both rows and columns made chucking into MySQL a pain. Now I can throw this into a database and make it all nice and web-based by December 1.

Also, whatever you do, do not create an in-house web CMS for a large organization unless you have a couple of dedicated, full-time developers to work on it for a considerable amount of time. There are plenty of pre-built solutions that can make things a lot easier. I don't know why the college decided to do this, but I know it's going to make my life really miserable. I already do other little coding projects (scholarship system, account review system, computer support data system) plus answer the phone when no one is around for various workstation problems and maintain a handful of servers, while only being half time. A good pay check and resume building is a good thing.

I have had 2 tests this week, 1 test next tuesday, and a project review today for a group programming project that is due after fall break. Plus there is MUG and I am attending MIS club meetings now just about every other Thursday night. I've also got to remember to record my spending for 4 days sometime. MUG has been tagged to do a Garageband demo sometime at the end of the semester plus LANFEST is coming up along with finals. Busy.

Also, this last week, I got my car fixed. Some of you remember how my car rattled a lot and my steering sounded like a really loud donkey. I got both of those fixed yesterday, so now my car is not the same as it was. It just feels weird not to have those sounds when driving around.

Also, this weekend, Gaila and I will have been officially together for one year. We decided that we were a couple in the very early morning hours of November 14, 2004. The weekend's weather outlook looks good, so we are planning on have a fun weekend together.

It's time for me to get ready and go to my 5:00 meeting. Later.



In fact, Tuesday we had a spontaneous discussion/debate in one of my classes about spreadsheets versus databases versus pencil-and-paper for analyzing data. One person thought we should just count up the number for each value in each field and do the math via pencil and paper. 1412 records, 13 fields, 80-page printout...no I'm not going to participate in hand-counting the statistics and then making a report from that data. Yeah. Eventually it ended up with two of us working in a db racing against someone else working in Excel to see who could get the report done faster and better.

And as far as Web CMS systems...arrrgh!!!!! Yeah, that pretty much sums up my opinion on the topic.

Hope you enjoyed your meeting. Congrats to you and Gaila.