Spring Break So Far

The break has been going pretty good so far. I have been able to relax and not have to worry about work or school (for the most part) all week. Gaila was sick with the crud for most of the week, which wasn't fun. I have gotten a lot of work done on the back-end for my brother's web site. Yesterday morning my Palm Pilot reminded me that I had a meeting for MIS 434 which I had totally forgotten about. The meeting was okay and wasn't stressful since that was the only thing going on that day (at least for class).

Last night Gaila's mare foaled. I decided to stay around with her and Nicole at the horse barn to play some traditional trivial pursuit. At 12:03 AM the mare foaled and had some problems suckling. I ended up leaving at around 2:00 AM and was in bed by 3. Gaila didn't get home until 4. I had to wake up this morning to catch the bus a 9:30 AM. I'm very tired, but I think it was worth it. There will probably be pictures soon once Gaila gets around to it.

Tonight I napped really well after work and watched Spaceballs with Gaila. After the movie I was able to direct TUAW to a new iTunes + iPod ad that was released today. I am "reader John". I'm surprised no-one found the ad faster than I did.

Anyway, I'm going to continue to relax for the rest of the evening.

update foaling pictures


We should have a spaceballs 2 party when that comes out.

To be fair the commercial isn't really good, i don't think people care about these small ads as much as they do the big commercials. It's showed up on Digg for example but nobody gives a crap about it, people would rather speculate on the full screen video iPod that may or may not ever surface.