(No Subject)

Paul Dressel's Definition of a Grade:
"A grade is an inadequate report of an inaccurate judgement by a biased and variable judge of the extent to which a student has attained an undefined level of mastery of an unknown proportion of an indefinite material."
I've been meaning to get this up here for a while. With finals coming and people stressing about grades, I though it would be appropriate.

Last night was a productivity session at UDCC with Colin, and later with Meri. I have to say, that place was NOT very good for studying. At least not until after the c-store closed. Every 4 minutes someone with flip-flops came stumbling down the nearby stairs as loud as possible, the blender in the store going off, the ATM machine beeping button acknowledgements for the deaf, and people laughing and talking loudly. Plus the chairs were not very comfortable and there wasn't much room on the table for several people to spread their stuff out. Rabble! Yeah, headphones might of helped, but the ones I have around are designed to get noise to your ear and not to keep other noises out.

Meridith really exhibited the mother hen mentality that night as well. She questioned me about how my studying was going a lot. She really felt like a mix between nagging mother and a study hall attendant. Though she was cool for bringing cookies her cool (to me) mother made. Good luck on the philosophy statement and the job hunt, Meri!

I'm going to try to do something fun tonight, either hang out with myself at home or go out and do something with someone. If you want to do something give me a call. Then I will hunker down the rest of the weekend studying for my Soc final on Monday.


Well, considering that I get PAID to be an effective study hall attendent, one would hope that I could be good at it. :)