(No Subject)

I totally forgot that I was driving people to the airport this afternoon. I got a call from one of the people who works in the Study Abroad office, and at first I though she was calling me about a problem she was having with her computer. Then, I realized what I forgot. I got dressed and onto campus in record time of less than 5 minutes. I had to pick up a 15 passenger van with trailer, then pick up the students. We left Ames at the very latest time allotted for the schedule. Phew. Nice though, that their flight really was not scheduled to leave for another 2 hours after we arrived at the airport, so things were good for them.

I still haven't gotten any of the things done that I planed on getting done today. I've got to try to get into work by 7:30 tomorrow and every day this summer so I can make lots of good money. I also have some goals for summer to set.

Summer Goals
  • Get good grade in Stat 226
  • Learn basic Cocoa programming
  • Improve on my blog program you are using now
  • Catch up with Stargate series
  • Create a budget for the next year that includes getting an apartment near campus

That is about all that I can think of right now. I may add more to the list later. At least now I have something to work towards. Some of these things are easy to do, others are a littler harder to do, but I think I will manage to accomplish most of these without impacting too much on summer fun, which is the primary goal of Summer.


I strongly recommend using a spreadsheet program such as Excel to work out your budget. I'd be happy to share my budget spreadsheet with you if that's of interest.